CULT Games

Join the CULT

CULT is a games label defined by its obsession with building bespoke long-lasting communities and making their partners shine. Their shared thesis is that players and creators are not mindless consumers, but the defining part of a game’s success. Their main job is to raise the games they love, and the people who make them, to the heights they deserve.


About CULT


Partnering up with Temper Tantrum, the main goal of this project was to design an identity that captured CULT’s disruptive personality; in a sea of conformity, we wanted to ensure that their visual language was bold, innovative and captivating.
After a brand workshop with their team, we set out to define 6 keywords that would define the communication. For each keyword we have associated different colors — this ensures that the brand remains fresh and is able to communicate to all their different audiences, either it be the devs that build the games, the gamers, the team or even investors.


CULT stickers
CULT hat

stickers on macbook
Pin on a jeans jacket

CULT website animated banner

street billboard
CULT Cover doc

Welcome to the future of gaming. Join the CULT.

Led by a team of talented people, the CULT aims to revolutionise the gaming industry. This branding sets the stage for continued innovation and creativity, while pushing the boundaries of game development.

CULT Headline

Player with CULT t-shirt

Business Cards

Logo on iphone